Home Passport and Visa How To Check Visa Status?

How To Check Visa Status?

Whenever you want to visit a country, you’ll have to go through a long process that involves various steps like visa application, interview, etc.

After clearing all these processes, you’ll have to wait until your application process is carefully reviewed and a further visa is provided to you.

Here in this article, we will provide you with various ways you can use to check your Visa status.

How To Check Visa Status

How to Check Visa Status?

Checking visa status is important to ensure that you have rightfully acquired a visa before traveling to the country of your interest.

There are various ways you can use to check for your Visa status-


To check the status of the visa application, you’ll have to follow these steps:

  • Visit the official website of the country of visit and search for the visa application portal. You can simply Google search the country name followed by the visa application portal for example- for France -> France Visa Application portal
  • Now, you’ll find a portal where you’ll have to click on the dropdown/choose option of type of visa application
  • After selecting the visa application type, enter the passport number/reference number in the field
  • Now, solve the captcha code followed by clicking on the submit button
  • After clicking on the submit button, your visa application will be submitted and you’ll be able to find your visa application status

Checking via Embassy or Consulate

You can also contact your Embassy or Consulate using phone number/email etc. or wherever you’ve had your post visa application interview done for the status of your application. You can use your phone, email, or personally visit the premises to find the status of your visa application.

Understanding Response and Next Steps

Understanding the response code is important to ensure you use the appropriate next steps toward your application. The following are some of the response statuses that you’ll get:


This status is a green sign that you’ve received your visa for visiting the country and that you can now legally visit the country of your interest.


If you are getting the pending status then your application is currently being reviewed and you can wait until you receive an approved or rejected status.


Rejected visa status means your visa application has been rejected and you’ll have to apply for the visa again. In this case, the best thing to do is seek professional help from a visa agent as a rejected visa may cause your future application as well. Most of the time the rejection status is usually given to the person in the interview session so make sure you are well prepared for the interview.


Expired status is usually given when the visa has expired and you may be entering the wrong reference number or passport number.


What is the Visa application reference number?

The visa reference number is a number that is assigned to your visa application and can be used to track your application status.

Can I use my passport number to track my application status?

Yes, you can use your passport number to track your application status.

How much time does it take for the visa to get approved?

The visa application gets approved in a few days, it depends on the country of application. Some country also offers visa on arrival which provides you with a visa in 1-2 hours.

Can I pay the visa fee online?

Yes, you can pay the visa application fee online.

After visa rejection will my visa fee be refunded?

No, the visa application fee will not be refunded in case your visa has been rejected.

Can submitting documents in a regional language result in visa rejection?

Yes, you’ll have to submit all the documents in the English language to increase the chance of your visa application approval.

Is police verification required for Visa Application?

Yes, you’re required to have police certification done for applying for a visa.