Meghalaya Bank Holidays 2024
Meghalaya has 20 bank holidays in the year 2024 excluding the second/fourth Saturday and Sundays. Below is the the month-wise 2024 bank holidays list in Meghalaya.
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More About Meghalaya Holidays 2024
Meghalaya is a small state located in North-Eastern part of India. Meghalaya is derived from two words –‘Megha’ meaning clouds and ‘Alaya’ meaning home. The word Meghalaya means the abode of clouds. It is one of the famous destinations in state. This state consisted of vibrant culture, peace, beauty, and tradition which attract millions of tourists from different parts of the world.
As far as location of Meghalaya is concerned, Assam is situated to its north and Bangladesh to its south. Shillong is the capital of Meghalaya and is nicknamed as ‘Scotland of the East’. It is one of the seven sisters of North-East. Meghalaya has subtropical climate i.e. between cold and hot. The annual rainfall of the state is 1200 cm and due to this, the state is also called ‘wet’. Shillong come across largest record of rainfall while Mavasinram, receives the most annual rainfall.
Around one-third state is full of forest and consisted of major peaks such as Garo, Khasi and Jaintia hills with plateaus and valleys. The forest in Meghalaya is rich in plants and animals. The state receives maximum rainfall as compared to other states in India. It receives abundant of sunshine, virgin forests, high plateaus, waterfalls, clear rivers, meandering streamlets, and hospitable people. Besides all this, Meghalaya comprises of limestone caves, strange living root bridges, hills, and sacred groves.
Districts of Assam
Meghalaya consisted of United Khasi Hills, Jaintia Hills, and Garo Hills. The Garo Hills have inhabitants of western Meghalaya, The Khasis have inhabitants of central Meghalaya, and the Jaintias are found in eastern Meghalaya. It is divided further into seven administrative districts such as Jaintia hills, East Khasi Hills, West Khasi Hills, East Gam Hills, West Garo Hills, Ri Bhoi district, and South Garo Hills district.
The culture of Meghalya consisted of ethnic communities. It includes culture of Khasis, Garo, and Jaintia. According to the sources, Meghalaya belongs to the community from South East Asia. It is believed that Meghalaya is known for cheerful. Each community consisted of culture and customs Khasis belonging to Mon-Khmer ancestry, the Garos belonging to Tibeto-Burman origin, and the Jaintias belonging to South East Asia. Many people from communities such as Khasi, Jaintia, and Garo have converted into Christianity. Therefore, people can see gurudwaras, churches, temples, mosques, and monasteries in Meghalaya.
This region is rich in folk and tribal culture. People dance and drink with the sound of buffalo horns and other musical instruments. This is the central part of the social as well as religious ceremonies. Marriage relationships take place outside the clan.
English is the official language spoken in Meghalaya. The state consisted of other languages such as Garo and Khasi. Some of the other languages spoken here comprises of Tiwa, Baite, Nepali, and Panar.
Men and women wear different dresses such as:
As already told that Meghalaya has three main tribes including Garos, Khasi and Jaintias, they wear peculiar traditional dress. The women wear skirt called Jympien which is of cotton fabric over which is an apron. Jainsem is also worn, which is a modification of Indian saree, made of silk and cotton. The headcover is called Tapmoh which covers the head and the two ends fastened behind the neck. A mantle is draped over the shoulders and its two ends tightened the chest. It covers the lower end of tapmoh and hangs behind the kyrshah. The beauty is added to the Jainsem by adding beads to the jewelry, an outfit blend of ethnic and western.
The men wear dhoti and a jacket along with the headgear or turban. They also wear a sleeveless coat until the close of the last century, cotton cloth with a fringe below. A waist girdle of cotton over the sleeveless coat, wrapped around. Jymphong is a traditional dress worn on a certain festival. Dhoti was replaced with the waist girdle. A wooden headgear and a triangular car were also worn. Men wear cotton clothes with silk patterns. Jeans and Jackets are the daily wear amongst men.
The main food items of Meghalaya include meat, dried fish, and rice. The hunting people are fond of meat as it is a delicacy for them. They also eat wild animals such as deer, fish, prawns, crabs, bison, wild pigs, eels, and dry fish. Besides this, they also rear domestic animals such as goats, pigs, fowls, and ducks They also eat cooked, dried, and smoked meat and fish. Beef is also eaten in Meghalaya. There are many shops selling the red meat made in the city of Shillong. Bamboo and Arum plant are most eaten in families. There are variety of mushrooms and bamboo shoots are edible and eaten in families.
There are varieties of food eaten by Garo community. The traditional Garo food is prepared with beef, chicken, boiled rice, pork, and dry fish. Some of the delicacies include Nakam Bitchi (made of dry fish, chilies and soda), Wak Pura (prepared with Pork and crushed rice).
Kyat is a drink made with beer, alcohol, and rice. They also prepare rice beer which is prepared by boiling the rice and sprinkled with the yeast. The preparation is kept in the ware and mouth is covered with plantain leaf. The ware is kept for weeks until and unless it is ready. Beer us prepared from tapioca and sticky millet. Wanti is a special preparation made with fermented rice and sprinkled with the special medicinal plant.Dance and Music
Meghalaya is consisted of various dance forms and music. The dances are prepared for different occasions such as religious, funeral, agriculture, and recreational. The songs are sung in open areas. They dance on occasions such as fertility, harvest, partner choice etc. They also perform war dance, harvest dance, elopement dance etc.
Art and Craft
There are various crafts available in Meghalaya prepared with bamboo and wood. The state has artists who perform weaving etc. Most of the tribes get involve in cane and bamboo products.
List of Cities in Meghalaya
The following is the list of cities in Meghalaya-
- East Garo Hills
- East Jaintia Hills
- East Khasi Hills
- Mairang
- North Garo Hills
- Ri Bhoi
- South Garo Hills
- South West Garo Hills
- South West Khasi Hills
- West Garo Hills
- West Jaintia Hills
- West Khasi Hills